
Thursday, September 22, 2011

Living in a Desert Island

If I were stranded in a lonely island, I'd survive by my natual skills and my smart brain. First, I'd get water from coconuts, also I'd use a stone and dry leafs to make fire and boil the water; and I'd take big tropical leafs to use like bowl and keep the water of the rain. Second, I'd hunt animals to cook it in a BBQ and I'd eat natural fruits and vegetables. Third, I'd dig a hole for my needs.

I'd have activities to distract myself if I were in a island for a long while. Besides, I'd take me a long time to make weapons and tools to do whatever, Also I'd build a roof to protect myself of the rain .Besides I'd need to make signals to be rescuded like, for example, a big write in the sand whit leafs or rocks or fire.

If I casted away in the LOST island, I'd survive like Tom Hanks in the movie because I'm so much more smart than him and I'd have a better friend than Wilson.

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