
Sunday, September 11, 2011

Interview with the "Matador"

Name: José Marcelo Salas Melinao
Nickname: Matador, El Shileno, El Fenómeno
Age: 36
Nationality: Chilean
Profession: Ex - Soccer Player.

Max: Matador! Is a pleasure to meet you. Thank you for coming to my show. How are you?

Matador: Hello Max! Come on man, the pleasure is mine, not everyday I can sit beside a star like you. But answering your question, I'm good but missing the soccer.

Max: Jajaja (laugh) you are the best Marcelo jaja (still laughing)... I have tell you something, for me, you were the best player in the history. Ok, anyways let's go to our business, but first, can I ask you some questions?

Matador: Thanks, for me you are the best interviewer too... Ok, let's go with the questions, they (producers) pay me for that jajaja (laugh).

Max: You really think that I'm the best, don't you?

Matador: Actually, no. I prefer Jay Leno. But you're the second, that is not bad.

Max: Very funny Marcelo, now you are my second idol jajaja...Ok, Could you tell me what were your best achievement in sports?

Matador: I think it was when we won with la U the bi-champion and with River the Sudamerican Supercup. But personally my best achievement was win the "Sudamerican best player" for sure.

Max: Ufff you have so many titles in your life that is dificult to know which one is the best. You think you are the best player in the history of Chile, don't you?

Matador: I don't think so. In Chile we have had and we have many good players. It is subjective to say who is the best.

Max: That's true. And, could you tell me what your fellings about "la U" are?

Matador: Well, "la U" for me is everything, I can say only good things about that big institucion. I only wish more succes for my team.

Max: I wish the same...But my friend, could you tell me what your plans in the future are?

Matador: I'm think I'm keep going work in my producer and enjoy my family.

Max: Very good, you have to enjoy the rest of your life, you did so much in the past...You are going to answer a lot of questions more for this interview, aren't you?

Matador: No, actually the producer paid me for 7 question and I have done 8. If you want more, pay more jajajaja.

Max: Uff so stingy. Ok man, that it's. Keep being my idol. Thank you.

Matador: No man, thank you. Bye

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