
Monday, August 29, 2011


Picture Dictionary

Korean weather

My country, Korea, has a streamy climate at now season. However the climate is very cold and snowy in winter. In fact, all regions included capital have a similar climate. But Jeju island is a little warm compared to other regions. Actually our country has four seasons. These are spring, summer, fall and winter. Choosing the one of them, my favorite weather is summer. Because summer is so active, so it's best weather to exercise for us. However my country has typhoon with rainy season. Especially, This year of rainy season had so long term. The typhoon has struck my country once or twice a year.

Monday is Test Day!!

Take the Unit Nine Test here.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

The climate in Chile

Chile is a very long country, with 4300 km approximate in mainland, with a lot of climates depending of the zone. The north of Chile is desert and dry in most of the places, central of Chile has a mediterranean (it is mild) climate and the south of Chile is temperate oceanic.

The south of Chile is harsh in winter but no so extreme than places like the north of Canada. On the other hand, the north of Chile is always sunny, with good temperatures in the day but very cold in the night (the
desert part). The central of Chile has temperatures in correlation with the season but never extreme for that reason is the best climate with the beginning of the north (450 to 600 km in the north of Santiago).

The seasons are very marked, in winter is cold in most of the country, in the summer is the opposite and in fall and spring is in between of the last two. If I have to chose a season I will say than summer is the best because is hot but not annoying.

Chile has not been blessed with natural disasters, we have many problems specialy with earthquakes. However we are lucky because with don't have climate disasters more than a few but no so often.

Weather in Japan

Japan has warm and humid zone .

I love Okinawa in Japan.It is hot and tropical through a year in Okinawa. Average temperature
is 20 ℃,so I think it is pleasant to live in Okinawa .And also food is very good .

Conversely,I hate Tokyo in Japan. It is hot and humid in summer and It is cold in in winter ,so it is unpleasant to live in Tokyo.

In Japan,There are four seasons ; spring,summer,fall,winter and I like spring and fall the best because it is mild weather and the temperature is good for me.

Japan has typhoon and flood and so on. Typhoon happens especially from June to August. during the typhoon, it rains more than usual,so when I go outside,I have to take my umbrella.And the typhoon leads to flood. The flood happens,when the river floods because of typhoon.

Japanese climate

Most of Japanese land belongs to humid subtropical climate and rest are humid continental climate. Japanese climate is strongly affected by monsoon. Climate of the winter at the coast of Japan sea is different from that of Pacific ocean. In the winter, the coast of Japan sea snows very much because of monsoon (Siberian High). In contrast to that, the coast of Pacific ocean seldom snows.
Japan has four seasons and we can enjoy all these season's landscape and foods.

I like fall the best because of calm climate and the best season to eat many kinds of food. But typhoons come in that season and sometimes damage agriculture, economy, buildings and so on.

I think the worst weather in Japan is a summer, especially metropolitan area (Tokyo, Nagoya and Osaka). There isn't much difference of daytime's temperature between metropolitan area and countryside, but it's still hot and humid even the midnight in the metropolitan area. I can't sleep without using air conditioner.

Compare to the above, I think Sendai is the best city to live through the year. That fact isn't famous even for Japanese but that city is not too hot in the summer and not too cold in the winter. I lived in there for 2 years and now I think that city is the best. The earthquake and the tsunami affected coast of Sendai in this March. I hope there will recover from disaster and be the famous city for good to live.

Weather in Japan

Japan is almost in a humid subtropical climate zone where has hot, humid summers and mild to cool winters. Japan is a long country from north to south, so we have many climates.

My country has four seasons, spring, summer, autumn and winter. There are flowers for all four seasons, so we can enjoy changing seasons. My favorite season is spring because it is warm and temperate season and we can see many cherry blossoms in Japan. I feel comfortable in the early spring when cherry blossoms are in full bloom.

Japan has extreme weather, a typhoon and a rainy season. Typhoons come to Japan mainly in September with rain storms. Typhoons cause floods and cliff failures. The rainy season in Japan, called Tsuyu, continues throughout June to mid-July. It is rainy and humid everyday.

From my point of view, Hokkaido is the best weather because Hakkaido is lightly affected by typhoons and the rainy season. Though Hokkaido is cold in winter, I think Hokkaido is the best weather except winter. And Toyama is the worst weather in Japan because it has very hot and humid summers caused by hot winds called foefn from the mountains, and then it has heavy snow in winter.

Weather in Brazil

Brazil has five climatic regions: equatorial, tropical, semiarid, highland tropical, and subtropical, during the winter and in some years there is a snow such as Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina where we can found the worst temperature, sometimes with lows of 0 º, but in Rio de Janeiro, Recife and Salvador on the coast have warm climates, with average temperatures ranging from 23ºC to 35ºC. Seasons in Brazil are the reverse of those of Europe and United States; we’ve four seasons during the year:
  • ü  Spring: 22nd September - 21st December
  • ü  Summer: 22nd December - 21st March
  • ü  Autumn: 22nd March - 21st June
  • ü  Winter: 22nd June - 21st September

My favourite season is summer, because we can go to the beach and visit different water’s park. In Brazil doesn’t have extreme weather and natural phenomena such tornado and hurricane. I’m inviting everyone to enjoy Brazil, I’m sure that is gonna be a good experience.


Friday, August 26, 2011

weather in Japan

My country is in the temperate zone.
I think Okinawa has the best weather in my country.Okinawa is located in south of Japan. Okinawa has warm weather,it’s not too hot or humid in summer and not so cold in winter. Okinawa is comfortable to live in throughout the year.
And the worst weather is Nigata. It’s in north of Japan.In winter, it’s not only very cold,it also has a lot of snow.The ground is covered with snow high throughout the winter. People in Nigata must remove the snow on the roof or road almost every day.
My country has four seasons,spring,summer,fall and winter.My favorite season is fall because fall isn’t too hot or too cold. I like spring too, but I have an allergy to pollen. I suffer from sneezing and running nose in spring,so I like fall the best.
My country sometimes has extreme weather like tyhoons or heavy rain mainly in summer.
beach in Okinawa

Thursday, August 25, 2011


Here is your homework for the weekend. You can work on the writing when you finish your test tomorrow morning!

Friday, August 19, 2011

tony yu

Desertification is one of the most horrid question in China.but before 1958,in my opinion it was not a problems.In that days people cut thousands of tree so years later ,our land become sand.

In the north of china it could be a problems which can kill nomads ,because the sandstorm is the most powerful weapons in pasture .Animal could be killed ,also the nomads could be ok, but without their flocks their life will be very hard.

The another reason which made the desertification is the nomads themselves .over-grazing made soil and water loss.And they cut down the trees to make new pastures.

In this years Chinese people try to plant trees and stop the sandstorm. But anyway it is a little late.we have to pay more for what we did in last 50 years.


In 1956, very serious environmental pollution happened. It is called "Minamata disease."
Its cause was mercury pollution. Chisso, a company discharged the liquid to the sea. A lot of fish were polluted by mercury and many people ate the fish, so many people caught the disease. Many people couldn't move, hear, and so on. In heavy case, people died. Until now, some people are feeling pain.
All companies shouldn't have discharged dangerous materials, but now in Japan, the action is banned by laws. So, we mastn't cause problems like this.

Nuclear Problem In Japan

I am explaining the radiation problem. The East Japan earthquake happened on march 11 and nuclear station in Fukushima was broken. Because of this,the radiation materials spilled from nuclear tanks. Radiation material is bad for our health and also has an influence on food.

A simple solution is not using nuclear energy,but the accident had already

happened,so as one solution I think we should fill up nuclear tanks with


Japanese beautiful birds "Toki"

In Japan, there are endangerd birds named "toki". Toki has a slender body and a long neck, it seems like a swan. Around the end of 19th century, a lot of toki decreased because of indiscriminate hunting and development. Only a few were left by the early 1930s. And toki became a endangerded species.
The government designated toki as a special protected species of Japan in 1952. And villages on Sado, where a few toki lived, established feeding grounds for toki. However, by the late 1970s there were fewer than 10 birds in Japan. In 1981, the last five wild birds were captured for artificial breeding, but all birds lost their abilities of reproduction.
At that time, toki were rediscovered in China after we thought they had already become extinct. In 1999, China gave Japan a pair of toki and they had a chick. And now, toki population at the protect center has risen to 25. We hope to we release toki into the wild someday.

Japanese beautiful birds ""

Ho- environment problem

The Korean moon bear is endangered because they are farmed to make special beverage. And farming the bears is really disgusting and illegal. They put the hose into bears and take the bile even when they are alive. If the bear becomes extinct the food chain is broken. So the government imported bears with DNA is similar as restoration project. Now we have 17 wild bears in Mt. Jiri. I think the government has to make a more strict law and raise the fine. Also the government has to educate people to quit this disgusting thing.

Smog in Santiago

Santiago is a beautiful city with many interesting places but with one big problem: The Smog. The smog in Santiago is a result of industrial and cars air pollution, and the inadequate ventilation of the city because of the mountains around.

This is a huge problem because the smog creates breathing problems for the people, especially kids and old people. In fall and winter these problems increase if it doesn't rain in Santiago and the black cloud above the city looks terrible.

The authorities of the city have been working on the ventilation of the city for decades but it is very difficult to have good results if they don't create and implement a radical action to stop these problems. Actions like limiting (but really) the pollution of the companies, being severe with old cars, taking care with polluting heating, etc. On the other hand, they can cut a mountain, but that is more difficult.

We hope to find a solution in a few years because the smog generates sickness and creates a bad image of Santiago.

Radioactive contamination

- What is it?
It's a kind of pollution caused by a radioactive source.

- Why does it happen?
The tsunami destroyed the control system of Fukushima nuclear power plant, that became uncontrollable, and meltdown occurred as a result. After that radioactive elements spread around that area.
The tsunami was induced by a tremendous earth quake happening at the North of Japan.

- Why is it bad?
Radioactive source will increase a probability of cancer and/or leukemia. It also increases a probability of genetic damage. Some kinds of radioactive elements take a long time to decay (half-life is very long) and the effect remains for a long time.

- How to solve the problem?
It's difficult to solve the problem easily because there is no way to remove the radioactive effect completely without waiting for the radioactive element to naturally decay. So far now, public and private organizations measure the product which is contaminated with radioactivity or not. The easiest way to stop such disasters any more is to stop using nuclear power plant, but it's not realistic. That is because Japan suffers from these problem.

environmental pollution

I'm going to introduce an environmental pollution problem in Japan.
In 1960, Japan developed industry rapidly and became second highest GDP of the world. . It is called rapid economic growth. People drained toxic substances out of the sea and gave noxious gas in the air, but people didn't know that they were detrimental for the living things.
First, fish disappeared because of the pollution, then many cats died mad because they ate the polluted fish. Finally, people got sick and suffered from discrimination for all their lives.
Now polluting the environment is prohibited by laws. We will never forget serious mistakes and we have to keep this sad story in mind.

Environmental Problem In Saudi Arabia

In Saudi Arabia , in my city "Jubail Industrial City" there is a big problem . There are a lot of factories ,so there are a lot of toxic fumes . In fact, people breathe these fumes and get diseases.In addition, the diseases like asthma and shortness of breath spread .

The government has made a good plan . It decided to put houses north of factories because usually the air comes from the north ,so the toxic fumes go too far .

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Find a Conversation Exchange Partner

Looking for new friends to practice English with? Here's a website that will help you find a language exchange partner!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Desert Xuan

My favourite musician is Deserts Xuan, who is a famous pop music singer in Taiwan. She made her first album named “Maybe I Don't care” on her own in May, 2005. She signed a recording contract and made her second album “My Life Will…”by sonyBMG the next year. Actually, before she released her album she already had been nominatee for many prizes in different Asian countries. She has been singing since she was sixteen, so she dropped-out of high school and started to sing live house. In 2008, she joined a band named Algae with three friends who sang in live house before. They released the latest album and composed many soundtracks for movies in recent years. Maybe someone said she is lucky, but I think she always faces challenge by her philosophical way.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

My favorite artist

kenji Miyazawa was born in japan in 1896. He was a poet,composer,novelist,scientist and also farmer.
There was a problem with cold weather damage every summer when He was a child. His father was a pawnbroker.So he saw that people needed food. His work was affected by this situation.He died in 1933. His work became famous after he died.
His works are still loved by many people.

Have you ever....??

Find someone who

My Favourite Artist

My favourite artist is Leonardo da Vinci . Leonardo was born on April 15, 1452 in the Tuscan hill town of Vinci . In 1466 , he joind the school of the Arts. In 1478, Leonardo was able to become independent in this profession and became a teacher . The most important of his paintings are "The Last Supper" and "Mona Lisa" . He died in May 1519 .

Bill Evans

I'm going to talk about my favorite jazz pianist Bill Evans.
In 1959 he met a bassist Scott LaFaro and formed band. They recorded their music which is called Waltz for Debby and was becoming the most famous recording of Bill Evans. After 11days of recording, Scott lost his life in a traffic accident and Bill abandoned himself to grief for a while.
He used to compose music when he lost someone. He also lost his wife and his brother because of suicides. After his brother Harry's death, he wrote the song "we will meet again" for his brother. He is known as an immovable and objective person.
In the middle of his life, his music became more destructive because of drugs.
In 1980, he had his live performance tour. He was terminally sick at the time and nobody thought that it is possible to play the piano, but he played. September 11, he finally stopped playing the piano at his live performance and a few days later he died.
Now he is the one of the most famous jazz pianists in the world. All musicians will respect him forever.

My favorite poster artist

I will tell you about Raymond Savignac who is the one of the most famouse poster artists in the world.
Raymond Savignac, often just called "Savignac", was a French graphic artist and became famouse with his commercial posters. He was born in 1907 in Paris. He started designing posters under the direction of Cassandre, but he didn't succeed for long time. His success started with the advertising of the soap for Monsavon in 1949 at that time he was 41 years old. This advertisement which featured the udders of a cow directly supplying the "milk soap" with milk.
After that, he made many commercial posters and he became the most famous poster artist in the world. He made his commercial posters with his unique point, and he always drew cute characters for his clients. I think his posters are distinguished by a humorous simplicity so we can know what the advertising poster represent about. I like his point of view and his drawing touch.
He died in 2002, aged 94. He made many posters in his life, so we can see and buy his posters. A permanent display of his work may be found at the Montebello Museum in Trouville Normandy, where he spent his last years. If you go to Trouville, you will be able to see many his posters.

Grupo La Noche

My favorite band is called "Grupo la Noche". This is a Cumbia band formed by Alexis Morales, Daniel Chamorro, Juan Bustamante, Jorge Desidel, Miguel Pávez, Michael Dávila y Valentino.

They started in the year 2000 but the succes began in 2006, 4 years after the arrival of Leo Rey, the vocalist and emblem of the band.

They were very famous in Chile, making 6 studio records and winning some Chilean awards. Besides they participated in the most famous Chilean concerts and festivals, becoming the most popular band in Chile.

In the beginning of the 2010 Leo Rey quit the band and Grupo La Noche started to go down.

Now they are active but with not the same popularity of a few years, changing their vocalist two times.

I like this band because they play very upbeat music and they put the parties "on fire".

Hector Lavoe

My favorite artist is Hector J. Perez Martinez "Lavoe" he was a salsa and bolero singer also known as El Cantante de los Cantantes. He was born and raised in the Machuelito sector of Ponce PR. Early in his life he attended to a local music school. He moved to NY and he joinedas vocalist in a group of Orchestra New York , Kako All- Star and Jonny Pacheco owner of Fania Records. In 1967 he met a salsa musician and band leader Willie Colon suggested the Lavoe recorded on track of Colon first album El Malo. In 1970 Colon and Lavoe recorded the of two ''Asalto Navidenos'' albums. In 1973 he became the band leader to his own orchestra. Lavoe was also present in three movies filmed and produced by Fania Records these were Fania All Starts Our Latin Thing, Fania All Starts Live in Africa. His first solo albums was called La Voz. Hector died on June 29 1993 at a hospital in New York City. The cause of death was diagnosed as a complication cause by HIV. Some of the albums are La Voz 1975, De Ti Depende (1976), Comedia (1978), Feliz Navidad (1979), Recordando a Felipe Pirela (1979), Revento (1985), Strikes Back (1987). One of the recognitions is the film of El Cantante produced by two of the most promminent celebrities in the musical genre Salsa Artist Marc Anthony and Jennifer Lopez.

My favourite artist-->EMANERO

Federico Giannoni also know as "Emanero" is a rapper from Argentina, he doesn't have a band, he makes his own rhythms because he plays the guitar and the piano, he is only 23 years old and started with this since he was 17.
His first released was in 2004 it called "Mi primer maqueta" but was released on his own, after that in 2006 he recorded with sigla music "Bienvenidos a mi mundo" and finally he released in 2010 "Arjé" with "Benditas producciones".
Emanero's video was the best of hip-hop in arentina last year, it called "Mas tenemos, mas queremos".
Now he is preparing the next CD that is going to came in the middle of 2012.
I like his music because he speaks about a lot of things that happened to me and aother thing is that he doesn't have to figth or insult in his lyrics, this is a good example that many should take!

About Carpenters

Carpenters are soft-rock band. Carpenters are composed of two members,Richard and Karen. Richard plays the piano and Karen sings. Richard is Karen's older brother. They were born in Connecticut,America. In 1969 when Richard was 23 and Karen was 19,they contracted A&M records and their first album were sold. They sold one hundred million albums and singles. They went to tour England,Japan,Australia,Belgium,Holland and so on. They won a Grammy three times. Karen died in 1983 because of sick. However,Richard is still alive and he is continuing concerts. Their most famous song is "Top Of The World."
I like them because I sung their songs when I was a elementary school student.

My favorite musician- HO

My favorite musician is Queen. They are a rock band. But their music includes many different genre. They formed their band in 1971. They published debuting album 'Queen' in 1973. They have released 18 albums and have sold over 150 million albums. They create many rock genre. And They made the first music video in the world with 'Bohemian Rhapsody'. Bohemian Rhapsody is one of best hits in Queen's song. And it made Queen won BEST BRIT AWARD SINGLE. Queen has influenced many bands. Queen has been in the ROCK AND ROLL HALL OF FAME since 2001. I like them because they are really creative. And I love the guitar solo in Bohemian Rhapsody.

Perfume ,Japanese popular techno artist


Perfume is techno-pop music and they are group .Perfume was made in 2000.
Their members are ayano oomoto ,yuka kasino,ayaka nisiwaki.All of them come from Hiroshima in
Japan. They have released 3 albums ever. I especially recommend Game Album to people.
Japanese record big prize in 2008 best hit sing in 2009 Mnet Asian Music Awards(MAMA) Best Asia
POP Artist Records or Prizes in 2010 etc・・
Now they are activating . They released Single recently. This song was CM song.→this song is zero gravity. I especially love this song ,but I love other songs.→This song is polyrhythm.By this song Perfume was major in Japan .

I recommend next songs to people.→
love the world ・・,

 naturally love・・
 there are still many good songs ,but so many good songs that I can not explain(- -)
I want you to listen to Perfume song(^▽^)/

 My friend recommends me to Perfume and I listen to their songs.

I am gradually absord in Perfume(^^)

My favorite artist: Aira Mitsuki

I love Aira Mitsuki who is a techno-pop (electro-pop) singer and she is usually sings solo. She is 22 years old.
She started her activity when she won the 1st prize at the music audition held in 2007.
At first she released her CDs from local-label company but now she moved to major-label and still is making music.

I've loved techno and house music since I was in the university. I used to listen to Chemical Brothers, Daft punk and Underworld but my taste changed from house-like (I suppose these three groups are house-like) to techno-like.
I love this genre of musician (ex. Perfume, Sweet Vacation, Capsule and etc., they are all Japanese) but the reason I chose her is because I love not only her music but also her appearance and voice.

My favourite Music group: 2NE1

My favourite Musician is 2NE1. Their Genre is hip hop and R&B. They are a Group, that has 4 members.
They consist of Minzy, Bom Park, CL and Sandara Park. They have been formed by YG entertainment company since March 2009. Now They have released 4 albums including 2 mini albums. They took Women Rookie of Award in 2009 and Best music of Award in 2010 at Mnet Asian Music Awards. Now on they are active by second mini album in Korea. My reason that I like this group is they are more fresh than other musician group. Therefore their songs are many different style songs and are unique and individual.

My Favourite Artist/Musician

Biography Blog and Presentation
  1. Genre
  2. Group or Individual
  3. History (when they started, how they met, when they signed a contract, how many albums, etc)
  4. Records or Prizes
  5. What are they doing now? (unless they're dead)
  6. Artist: photo of artist, examples of artwork
  7. Musician: photo of musician, music video
  8. Why do you like this artist/musician?

Friday, August 5, 2011

Good Website

Try practicing English with interactive games and activities here at the British Council's Learning English website!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Gerunds vs Infinitives

Sorting Exercise

My favorite sports: Golf

I love golf. That rule is so simple only to hit a ball into the hole as with few hits as you can. Golf plays individual and usually plays with a group of 4 people.
I play the golf at least once a week in my country.

There are many stories about the origin of golf from Scotland, the Neatherland and China but it's not known.

We use 14 kinds of golf club so it's decided as a rule and ball to play golf.

I love golf because the result (we usually say that as a score) is so simple, not considered the process.

As you know, the most famous golf player is Tiger Woods and he was tremendously strong, but now he isn't in good condition.

I suppose most of people taking the class never played golf and I really recommend you play golf when you grow older!

My Favourite Sport


1- Two teams each team has 11 players.
Match two games in each half 45 minutes.
Do not touch the ball by hand.
4- The

B) Play with team

C) I usualy play soccer once a week

D) History:
This game dates back to more than 2500 years BC, as practiced by ancient Chinese, and they offer banquets for the winning team whipped the team defeated. And known to the Greeks and the Japanese 600 years BC, and the Egyptians 300 years BC

E) Equipment:
1- ball
2- two goals
3- Shoes , T-shirt and short
4- stadium

I like this sport because it is with the team and I can play it everywhere

G) Famous Athletes :
In the past :
Now :

My favourite Athlete

1. Name : Yuna Kim

2. Appearance : She is pretty and has no double eyelid and has black hair.

3. Personal information :
country : Korea
major : figure skating
Age : 20
4. Record / Achievements :
She gained Gold medal in 2010 Vancouver Olympic Games and also broke world best score.

5. Sport : figure skating

6. Why do you like this person?
Because she has a typical pretty Korean face. And also she is really good at figure skating,
and face action. So if you see her free skating program, you absolutely are charmed.

My favourite spotrs

My favourite sport is yoga. I think yoga is a healthy sport,every age can do it. this sport doesn't have many rules,but only one is very important is when you do it you must be very quiet. you can do it in your home office beach mountains or park. yoga doesn't have a team. yoga originated in India. Indian people do it in mountains they mimic the shape of animals and plants. yoga equipment is mat,it can keep you body clean. I do yoga everyday,I think it can help me relaxed and release pressure. when I do it I can feel the changes in my body,it makes me very comfortable. do yoga breathing is very important,you have to slow down breathing,focus on yoga. you must open the window and than close your eyes feel the air,earth,sky,plants give you energy. I like this sport,because it can give me much energy!